交互式技术 和社会技术体系/Interactive technologies and sociotechnical systems
数据语义学杂志 VI/Journal on data semantics VI
图形识别 Graphics recognition
有限状态方法与自然语言处理: FSMNLP 2005/会议文集/Finite-state methods and natural language processing
验证、模型检验与抽象解读/Verification, model checking, and abstract interpretatio
机械视觉、成像处理和图形分析进展 Advances in machine vision, image processing, and pattern analysis
静态分析/Static analysis
结构、句法和统计的图形认知 Structural, syntactic, and statistical pattern recognition
计算逻辑.逻辑程序设计及其它 第2卷Computational logic
参数化与精确计算/ Parameterized and exact computation
复杂容错系统的严格开发/Rigorous development of complex fault-tolerant systems
用分析表格与有关方法自动推理/会议录 Automated reasoning with analytic tableaux and related methods
有效灵活的信息处理方法/Flexible and efficient information handling
(电信应用的移动代理)Mobile agents for telecommunication applications
人工智能与软计算-ICAISC 2006 Artificial intelligence and soft computing - ICAISC 2006
神经信息处理/Neural information processing
智能数据工程与自动化学习2002年国际会议录Intelligent data engineering and automated learning
整数编程与组合优化/Integer programming and combinatorial optimization
异常处理技术高级论题/Advanced topics in exception handling techniques
人工实际和TELE-存在Advances in artificial
编程统一理论/ Unifying theories of programming
人机交互中的形体与手势语言/会议录nd sign language in human-computer interaction(人机交互中的形体与手势语言/会议录)
(加密硬件与嵌入式系统CHES 2001)Cryptographic hardware and embedded systems
Web数据挖掘与Web使用分析进展/Advances in web mining and web usage analysis
着重产品的软件进程改善Product focused software process improvement
信息安全与密码术 -- ICISC 2006 /会议录/Information security and cryptology - ICISC 2006
计算机科学逻辑: CSL 2006/会议录Computer science logic
形式方法应用的杠杆作用: ISoLA 2004/会议论文集 Leveraging applications of formal methods
安全协议Security protocols
智能代理VIII/会议录 Intelligent agents VIII
机器人视觉 Robot vision
聚焦产品的软件处理改进 /2006年第7届国际会议录 Product-focused software process improvement
智能教学系统/会议录 Intelligent tutoring systems
(多代理系统用迭代软件工程:MASSIVE法)Iterative software engineering for multiagent systems
多代理系统Argumentation in multi-agent systems
非单调推理与信念修正的条件Conditionals in nonmonotonic reasoning and belief revision
串计算的高级环境、工具和应用 Advanced environments, tools, and applications for cluster computing
下一代信息技术与系统/会议录 Next generation information technologies and systems
语言理论进展: DLT 2006/会议录 Developments in language theory
计算机科学中的图论概念: WG 2006/会议录 Graph-theoretic concepts in computer science
数字权利管理的安全与保密/会议录 Security and privacy in digital rights management
程序构造的数学 Mathematics of program construction
数据的来源与注释:IPAW 2006国际研讨会论文集(书与在线文件)Provenance and annotation
组合模式匹配/会议录 Combinatorial pattern matching
电子服务的技术Technologies for e-services
计算机视觉、图形与图像处理 / 会议录 Computer vision, graphics and image processing
模块化程序设计语言:JMLC 2006/会议录 Modular programming languages
(软件产品系列工程/)Software product-family engineering
集成电路与系统设计、功率与定时建模、优化与模拟: PATMOS 2006/会议录 Integrated circuit and system design
数字 乳房X线照相术Digital mammography
基于逻辑的程序综合与变换/会议录 Logic based program synthesis and transformation
软件工程中的生成与转换技术: GTTSE 2005/会议文集 Generative and transformational techniques in software engineering
金融密码术/会议录/Financial cryptography
形状生成理论A generative theory of shape
粗糙集与知识技术Rough sets and knowledge technology
协作信息主体VCooperative information agents V
新编Visual FoxPro教程/江苏省高等学校计算机等级考试系列教材
计算机视觉系统/Computer vision systems
新编Visual Basic学习指导
新编Visual FoxPro实验指导书
知识管理实践方面Practical aspects of knowledge management
元件部署/会议录 Component deployment
概念模式 2001Conceptual modeling - ER 2001
人工智能医学 /Artificial intelligence in medicine
自适应超媒体与自适应网基系统/会议录 Adaptive hypermedia and adaptive Web-based systems
Visual C++程序设计基础实验指导书
算法 - ESA 2006 /会议录Algorithms - ESA 2006
应用并行计算:工业计算中 HPC 的新范例/Applied parallel computing
佩特里网与其它并行性模型 - ICATPN 2006/会议录 Petri nets and other models od concurrency - ICATPN 2006
自动推理Automated reasoning
创新因特网计算系统/会议录 Innovative Internet computing systems
可运行性具有其价值:ICQT 2006/会议录Performability has its price
比较基因组学/Comparative genomics
学习分类器系统进展/会议录 Advances in learning classifier systems
人工智能进展/会议录Andvaces in artificial intelligence