Boundary value problems and Fourier expansions 编值问题与傅里叶展开
Algebra 代数
Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary 常微分方程与泛函微分方程的稳定解与周期解
Coordinate geometry 坐标几何
Probabilistic metric spaces 概率度量空间
积分的近似计算Approximate calculation of integrals
Generalized functions and partial differential equations 广义函数与偏微分方程
Functional analysis 泛函分析
A first course in partial differential equations 偏微分方程初等教程
A first course in numerical analysis 数值分析初等教程
Stationary and related stochastic processes 平稳与相应的随机过程
数学分析基础/Foundations of mathematical analysis
General topology 一般拓扑学
Applied matrix algebra in the statistical sciences 统计学中的矩阵代数
Geometric integration theory 几何积分理论
Introduction to stochastic models 随机模型导论
Functional analysis 泛函分析
Optimization theory for large systems 大系统优化理论
Works of Archimedes阿基米德的著述
Elementary matrix algebra 初等矩阵代数
不可决策的问题/The undecidable
Mathematical theory of computation 计算理论
Calculus 微积分
Applied iterative methods 应用迭代方法
Concepts of mathematical modeling 数学建模概念
Statistics of extremes 极端事件的统计学
Trigonometry refresher 三角学重温
The geometry of geodesics 测地线的几何
First-order logic 一阶逻辑
Matrices and transformations 矩阵与变换
和函数与椭圆型微分方程/Kernel functions and elliptic differential equations in mathematical physics
常微分方程/Ordinary differential equations
History Of The Theory Of Numbers: Divisibility And Primality数论史:可除性与素性
Real-variable methods in harmonic analysis 调和分析中的实变数法
Statistical optimization for geometric computation 几何计算中的统计优化
Differential equations 微分方程
Combinatorial group theory 组合群伦
Higher geometry 高等几何
The integration of functions of a single variable 一元积分函数
Theory of the integral 积分论
黎曼代数函数及积分On Riemannis theory of algebraic functions and their integrals
Iterative solution of large linear systems 大型线性系统迭代解
Mathematical papers 数学论文
黎曼Zeta函数:理论及应用/Riemann Zeta-Function: Theory and Applications
A manual of Greek mathematics 希腊数学手册
Infinite series 无穷级数
A treatise on plane and advanced trigonometry 平面与高等三角
Stochastic models in operations research 运筹学中的随机模型
线性规划/Linear programming
科学家与工程师的数学方法/Mathematical methods for scientists and engineers
The mathematics of games 游戏中的数学
Great Currents of Mathematical Thought: Mathematics in the Arts and Sciences伟大的数学思想:艺术与科学中的数学
Extremal graph theory 极图理论
应用外微积分Applied exterior calculus
欧氏间中的拓扑方法Topological methods in Euclidean spaces
伟大的数学思想Great currents of mathematical thought
Lectures on functional equations and their applications 泛函方程及应用讲义
Advanced calculus 高等微积分
Philosophy Of Mathematics: Translated From The Cours De Philosophie Positive of Auguste Comte数学的哲学
Taming the atom 驯服原子
Chinese mathematics in the thirteenth century 13世纪的中国数学家
Numerical methods 数值方法
Linear groups 线性群
Conformal mapping 保形映射
A Course in Mathematical Analysis数学分析教程:二阶偏微分方程
论不变量与数论/On invariants and the theory of numbers
x光在晶体中的衍射理论/Theory of x-ray diffraction in crystals
Functions of a Complex Variable单复变函数
The elementary differential geometry of plane curves 初等平面曲线微分几何
Integers and theory of numbers 整数与数论
Theory of approximation 逼近论
The theory of matrices 矩阵论
Probability theory 概率论
Survey of Minimal Surfaces极小曲面研究
Theory of functionals and of integral and integro-differential equations 泛函、积分方程与积分微分方程理论
Vectors and their applications 向量及其应用
超越数与代数Transcendental and algebraic numbers
Summation of series 级数和
The variational theory of geodesics 测地线的变分理论
笛卡尔张量/Cartesian tensors
Hillis equation Hill方程
A treatise on the calculus of finite differences 有限差分论
Analytic inequalities 分析不等式
数论史:可除性与素性History of the theory of numbers
Introduction to the theory of canonical matrices 规范型矩阵导论
Elements of Number Theory数论原理
Tensor calculus 概率论
The theory of numbers and diophantine analysis 数论与丢番图分析
Algebraic equations 代数方程
Problem book in the theory of functions 函数论习题集
闵可夫斯基几何的发展/Development of the Minkowski Geometry of Numbers
Galois theory 伽罗瓦理论
World of Mathematics数学的世界(四册)
Lectures on the theory of elliptic functions 椭圆函数论
Introduction to partial differential equations 偏微分方程导论
A treatise on the differential geometry of curves and surfaces 论曲线与曲面的微分几何
Treatise on algebra 代数论
Smoothing, forecasting and prediction of discrete time series 平滑 预测与离散时间序列的预测