Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing 计算语言学与智能文本处理/会议录
Ambient Intelligence环境智能/会议录
Software Engineering and Middleware软件工程和中间件
COTS-Based Software Systems基于COTS的软件系统/会议录
Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web语义网的规划与规则记帐语言/会议录
Information Retrieval Technology信息检索技术
Comparative Genomics比较基因组学/会议录
分布式Java应用的科学工程/会议录Scientific Engineering of Distributed
Web Content Caching and Distribution2005 WEB内容缓存与分布国际研讨会
Machine Learning for Multimodal Interaction多模态交互作用的机器学习/会议录
宣告式编程与知识管理的应用/会议论文集 Applications of Declarative Programming and
Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2005加密硬件与嵌入系统 - CHES 2005 /会议录
多代理系统的软件工程Software Engineering for Multi-Agent Systems III
On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004走向有意义的互联网系统 2004:CoopIS, DOA, 与 ODBASE/会议录,第I部分
Constraint Solving and Language Processing约束求解与语言处理/会议文集
Global Computing全局计算/会议录
模式识别中基于图的表示/会议录 Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition
Conceptual Modeling - ER 2004概念模式-ER2004
Networking -- ICN 2005 网络-ICN 2006 第二部分
2004计算的理论方面Theoretical Aspects of Computing - ICTAC
Computer Network Security计算机网络安全/会议录
UbiComp 2005UbiComp 2005:普适计算/会议录
Numerical Analysis and Its Applications 数分析和应用
Combinatorial and Algorithmic Aspects of Networking网络的组合与算法问题/2004年会议录
Switching and Learning in Feedback Systems反馈系统的交换与学习/会议录
Adaptive Agents and Multi-Agent Systems II 适应性代理与多代理系统 II:适应与多代理学习
Selected Areas in Cryptography密码术的选定区/会议录
软件测试形式方法/会议文集Formal Approaches to Software Testing
Topics in Cryptology -- CT-RSA 2005密码学论题-CT-RSA 2005年/会议录
Formal Concept Analysis 形式概念分析/会议录
Networking -- ICN 2005 网络-ICN 2005 第一部分
Active Mining: Second International Workshop, AM 2003主动发掘/会议文集
Passive and Active Network Measurement 有源与无源网络测量/会议录
Software Process Improvement软件过程改进/会议录
通信系统的测试/会议录/Testing of Communicating Systems: 17th IFIP TC 6/WG 6.1
High Performance Computing for Computational计算科学用的高性能计算—VECPAR 2004/会议文集
Advances in Information Retrieval信息检索进展/会议录
数据库:企业、技巧与革新/2005年会议录Database: Enterprise, Skills and Innovation: 22nd British
Engineering Knowledge in the Age of the Semantic Web语义网时代的工程知识/会议录
DNA Computing: 10th International Workshop onDNA计算/会议文集
Ambient Intelligence for Scientific Discovery科学发现的环境智能:基础、理论与系统
l医学成像的信息处理/2005年国际会议录Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 19th Internationa
Financial Cryptography and Data Security: 9th International 金融密码术与数据安全/会议文集
Construction and An安全、保密及可互操作智能装置构成与分析/会议录alysis of Safe, Secure, and Interoperable Smart Devices
电源敏感的计算机系统: PACS 2004/会议录Power-Aware Computer Systems: 4th International Workshop
归纳式数据库的知识发现/会议录Knowledge Discovery in Inductive Databases
基于生物统计的音频与视频鉴别/2005年国际会议录:Audio- and Video-Based Biometric Person Authentication
成像分析/Image Analysis: 14th Scandinavian Conference, SCIA 2005
ECOOP 2005 - Object-Oriented Programming: 19th European ECOOP 2005-面向目标的编程/2005年会议录
医学中的人工智能/2005年国际会议录Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: 10th Conference on
代理通信/会议录Agent Communication: International Workshop on Agent
走向有意义的互联网系统 2004On the Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2004
2005 第5届国际高级分布式系统研讨会文集Advanced Distributed Systems: 5th International School and
2005年/会议录 STACS 2005: 22nd Annual Symposium on Theoretical
互联世界的数据管理:献给 Hartmut Wedekind 70诞辰纪念文集-Data Management in a Connected World: Essays Dedicated
组件与对象用形式方法/会议录Formal Methods for Components
Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications无线运算法则,系统及应用
并行虚拟计算机与信息传递界面最新进展Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface
Architecting Dependable Systems III 可靠系统的体系结构设计 III
智能虚拟主体Intelligent Virtual Agents
神经计算进展 第1部分:Advances in Natural Computation: First International Conference
Agent Computing and Multi-Agent Systems代理计算及Multi-Agent系统
Logic Programming and Nonmonotonic Reasoning逻辑编程与非单调推理/会议录
心脏功能成像与建模/会议录:Functional Imaging and Modeling of the Heart: Third
Mathematical Knowledge Management数学知识管理
Distributed Computing分布式计算/会议录
Deontic Logic in Computer Science计算机科学中的道义逻辑/会议录
用户建模/2005年国际会议录:User Modeling 2005: 10th International Conference, UM 2005
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2006计算机科学的数学基础 2006: MFCS 2006/会议录
2004年第2届国际验证与分析的自动化技术会议录(计算机科学学术讲座纪要 卷3299)Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis
Mathematics of Surfaces XI: 11th IMA International 表面数学 XI/会议录
Computer Aided Verification 计算机辅助验证:CAV 2006/会议录
皮特里网理论与应用2005/会议录Applications and Theory of Petri Nets 2005: 26th
基于代理系统的形式方法/会议文集Formal Approaches to Agent-Based Systems
Computer Algebra and Geometric Algebra with Applications 计算机代数和几何代数 及应用
2004神经语言过程Natural Language Processing IJCNLP
Advances in Natural Language Processing 自然语言处理进展: FinTAL 2006/会议录
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks Ad-Hoc、移动与无线网络:ADHOC-NOW 2006第5届国际会议/会议录
l基于网学习进展-ICWL2005Advances in Web-Based Learning - ICWL 2005: 4th Internationa
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages 说明性语言的实用问题/会议录
SOFSEM 2005: Theory and Practice of Computer ScienceSOFSEM 2005:计算机科学理论与实践
Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing: Third International Workshop 智能主体与对等计算:AP2PC 2004/会议录
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages说明性语言的实用问题/会议录
数据语义学日志IIJournal on Data Semantics II
Unconventional Programming Paradigms: International Workshop UPP 非传统编程范例/2004年国际会议录
Secure Mobile Ad-hoc Networks and Sensors安全移动 Ad-hoc网络与传感器: MADNES 2005 第1届国际研讨会/论文集
多媒体信息系统进展/会议录Advances in Multimedia Information Systems
Intelligent Technologies for Interactive Entertainment互动娱乐用智能技术/会议录
多代理系统技术/会议录Multiagent System Technologies: Third German Conference
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management 工程及管理科技知识
Computer Aided Verification: 17th International Conference计算机辅助验证/会议录
Computer Vision - ECCV 2004 计算机视觉——ECCV2004/会议录 第III部分
E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 6th International Conference电子商务与Web技术/会议录
FSTTCS 2005: Foundations of Software Technology and FSTTCS 2005:软件技术与理论计算机科学的基础/会议录
Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages说明性语言的实用方面/会议录
Embedded Software and Systems嵌入式软件与系统
Recent Advances in Constraints约束新进展/会议录
Uncertain Projective Geometry不确定性投影几何学:统计推理与多面体重建